2025 Minutes for AGM
.The members were welcomed by our Chairman, Pam Fleming-Williams, and Kate Russell, President was asked to conduct the Meeting.
1. apologies for absence from Members
Apologies were received from Joy Watson, Doreen Francey, irene Pugh, Melanie Strong, Trish Kelly and Linda Forshaw.
2. Minutes of last AGM
The President asked the Chairman to sign the Minutes as read. They had been displayed for Members to read onlilne in the first 2 months of 2024 and a hard copy had been made available on the informaation table at our montly meetings at the Civic Hall.
3. Chairman's Remarks
On a formal note, the Trustees have complied with our duty to have regard to the public benefit of our activities as set out in our constitution. We have carried out our purpose for the benefit of the public and members with our main activities of providing demonstrations, workshops, community engagement and social events.
I am sure that many of you know that last year, Cheshire Area of NAFAS rebranded to become Flower Clubs of Cheshire with the tag line of Inspire, Learn, Create. I hope the Society can live up to that this year!
I would first like to thank the Committee and all the members who helped in many ways last year to make our 65th year memorable.
Thanks, once again to Frank for printing and everything else he does in the background.
We have had demonstrators from Bolton to Welshpool and from Armathwaite to Telford. We’ve been intrigued to learn of Africa from Namiye Sianga back in February, laughed with Sionedd Hughes superstitions, been treated to beautiful British flowers and great stories of charity balls with Paula Routledge, and finished off in a snow storm with Mark Entwistle.
I think many of us will remember Gina Kirkham and her polyester thongs for quite a while! Not to forget our own President’s Christmas dem full of poems and humour.
Culinary events included lunch at the movies here in the URC Hall and the 65th celebratory lunch at the Civic Hall.
Our outing to Wollerton Old Hall and Bridgemere was well supported but the real star of the year was our Exhibition ‘Flowers Galore’ held at the Town Hall.
So many people through the door, some amazing exhibits, hands on sessions, Ladies Day staff making and delicious cakes. During the year, we also did workshops for Brownies and resident groups
and a very busy two wreath workshops at the Civic Hall. You can be very proud of the contribution Neston Flower Society makes to our local community.
And that brings me to the Blue Bicycle window, changes to which are eagerly anticipated by regular passers by. Thank you to Pat for instigating this and to those who help take down and refresh the displays. The outside area at Christmas was especially lovely and perfect for events and carol singalongs.
The Society took part in National Flower Arranging Day at the beginning of May, leaving posies around the town to be picked up and helping to spread the word. We hope to take part in this again when NAFAS lets us know the new format.
Once again our Programme Secretary, Ruth, has lined up a cracking programme of demonstrations for us with a number of National Demonstrators and some new people. I am sure we will have some super flowery adventures with ‘Patisserie of Flowers’ and ‘Mamma Mia Tales from a Greek Island’ to name but two.
Pat will continue with her popular classes, starting on 4th February, encouraging you to use your imagination with inspiring titles. I will be doing 6 classes here at the URC for anyone and everyone to learn the basics of design, have some fun and forget about the world for a couple of hours!
With the Parish Church contemplating a 150 year celebratory festival in May, I hope that many of you will be hands-on with help; from conditioning flowers and foliage, to helping with designs. Put something in to get something out!
This year we have written a safeguarding policy which has been published on our website and provided risk assessments for all our events.
Finally, you may have read in the local paper, seen on Facebook or heard on the grapevine that the Civic Hall will be closing its doors on 31st March. There are many options being followed up but it may mean that we have to look for a new home for the Flower Society. We will, of course keep you informed of what is happening.
Minutes of this meeting will be available online in February and March or a paper copy can be requested.
Pam Fleming-Williams - Chairman
4. Honorary Treasurer's Report
Last year was Neston Flower Society’s 65th Anniversary and we celebrated with 2 events. At the end of May we organised a Floral Exhibition at Neston Town Hall – a spectacular show of the artistic skills of our members and much appreciated by the public. You will appreciate that putting on an exhibition is a costly undertaking and, after hard work by members of the Committee, we were sponsored by Shop4Neston, Neston Civic Society, Cheshire West and Chester Council and even Hardings Motors of Parkgate, raising £2050 in total. It cost Neston Flower Society £1500.
After our demonstration in June we gave our members an Anniversary lunch costing £548.
During 2024 we offered workshops to the community, with a very pleasurable morning spent at Churchill Court working with the ladies and gentlemen to make their own flower arrangements and also with the Brownies, to make hand ties for Mother’s Day. Both workshops were at our expense in order to give something back to the community and to, hopefully, make people aware of Neston Flower Society, if necessary,
You will see in the newsletter that we have made other donations during the year, lastly giving £150 to Incubabies, on Gina Kirkham’s behalf, who was our speaker at the Christmas Coffee Morning.
In total, we donated £986.71 for the year.
You will see in the accounts that we have incurred increased costs for the year and instead of our usual surplus, we have deficit of £1338.10. Therefore, do we have our members’ permission, in 2026, to put up the fees to £35? If we need to, this decision won’t be taken lightly as we strive to give you value for money at all times.
What we did realise, whist talking to the people at the Exhibition. Was that some didn’t realise that we existed! Our membership has declined so we need to tell people about Neston Flower Society and encourage them to come along, especially as it is ‘Bring a Friend for Free’ in February again. This will be up to all of us to get Neston Flower Society out there. We are trying social media but there is nothing better than ‘word of mouth’. Please bring a friend!
It's not an anniversary year every year so we felt we needed to make it a special year and worth the cost. We hope you agree!
As always, if anyone has any questions with regard to the Accounts I am more than willing to answer them.
The President asked for a Proposer and Seconder for the adoption of the Accounts:-
PROPOSED BY:- Wendy Mitham
SECONDED BY:- George Nelson
The Chairman thanked Keith Greenfield for auditing the accounts.
5. Appointment of Auditor
The President advised the meeting that Keith Greenfield is willing to audit the Society’s accounts for the coming year and asked for a Proposer and Seconder in order that he can be appointed to this position.
PROPOSED BY:- Pat Smith SECONDED BY:- Barbara Carter
6. Annual Membership
The Treasurer asked for the approval by the membership to raise the subscription fee for 2026, if necessary, to £35.
PROPOSED BY:- Maria Dalrymple SECONDED BY: Rachel Lindsay
7. Election of Officers and Committee
The Chairman asked for a Proposer and a Seconder for the following nominations to the Committee:-
CHAIRMAN Pam Fleming-Williams
The following people have been nominated by Elected members:
Jill Barnes, Ruth Cattrell, Marion Forshaw, Diana Greenfield, Julie Stonehouse, Lesley Williams and Pat Wood.
PROPOSED BY:- Rosie Wilcox SECONDED BY:- Barbara Carter
Under the Constitution, the Committee has the power to co-opt up to 3 members.
8. Any Other Business
There was no other business. The President brought the AGM to a close.
9. Closure of meeting
The Meeting closed at 10.50am
The Chairman then presented a Pot et Fleur to Kate Russell, the President, with thanks.
The Chairman introduced the speaker, Nigel Hopes, Head Gardener at Ashwood Nurseries in Staffordshire. His title was 'A Year in John's Garden.
The Vote of Thanks was given by Diana Greenfield.
The Chairman announced that the next Neston Flower Society monthly meeting will be on 20th February 2025. The demonstrator will be Dawn Weaver with ‘Artistic Creations’.
The members were reminded that their subscriptions of £30 were due.