Membership Apprlication

                               NESTON FLOWER SOCIETY


Membership Application Form 2025


              Name:        ...................................................


            Address:     ...................................................


             ................................... Post Code ...............


             Tel. No.       ...................................................


             Email:        ………………………………………………………






                   Fee:    £30.00   paid by:  Cheque           Cash           Bank Transfer                                                                                                   lease tick



                        Cheques should be made payable to ‘Neston Flower Society’


                        Please return this form (with your cash / cheque if appropriate ) to:

                                    Membership Secretary 

                                    Newlands, 3A The Ridgeway

Heswall  CH60 8NB                  Please include an unsealed SAE


            If paying by Bank Transfer: this should  be done AFTER 1st Jan 2025 but your

            application form should be returned tothe Membership Secretary.

                      Account Name:  NESTON FLOWER SOCIETY

         Account Number:        79346464         ort Code:        60 – 14 – 39

                                Reference:                   Enter your name


New Member                  please tick              Existing Member 


 Please notify Neston Flower Society if you:

Change your name or home address.

No longer pay sufficient tax on your Income and/or Capital Gains.

Do not wish any photographs taken of you to be used on our website, CH64
and at Society meetings.


I confirm that I have read the Privacy notice of Neston Flower Society and

understand what data of mine is being held and processed and why it is being used by the Society. I also understand my rights in connection with this data and I givethe Society consent to use my data as set out in this notice.




Signed:   ………………………………………..       Date:   …………………………

Neston Civic Hall      Hinderton Road        Neston                CH64 9PE

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© Terrianne McGrath